Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Fantasy Dressed up as Historical Facts"

The editorial board of the statesman site published an article about distortion of history by The Texas Board of Education. The Board has revised the history curriculum in spite of the warnings by numerous academics. The author condemns this act saying that quality of the Texas education is not great right now and these actions will only lower the state’s educational standards. The main concern about this dramatic change is that the world pictured in the new history textbooks will not represent the truth. I believe the fact that the board ignores the experts view is a good indication of their agenda to distort history to fit their own point of view.
One of the major historical events that are going to be eliminated from the history curriculum is the Enlightenment era. The Board of Education’s reason for such exclusion is that not to burden the Texas students. There is no reference to Thomas Jefferson or any other philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment, which I find rather disturbing because the work done by those thinkers was a major contribution to the independence of United States. If we want to improve Texas education, there should be an expert quality control of the context and the structure of the documents available as textbook. We can’t ignore the historical facts that are not consistent with our viewpoint and glorify those that we approve, history is sequence of events happened in the past.    

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